I dont know why... but hair in the face, over the eyes, brings so much fashion character and attitude. Some of it is sexy and maybe that is the attraction. I remember as a young boy I wanted my hair in my face, over my eyes. Why is this so cool? It never ever goes out of style or fashion for me! The alluring looks below may help you understand ...
Dude w/ 'tude
blacktop crop
Kyle w/ style
see what i mean
dude-ette w/ 'tude-ette
Top Cat
ogling at the sonic
Try the fashion 'tude for a day or two and I bet you will turn heads and lure the ogling....course you won't be able to see it cuz your hair will be in your face and over your eyes, but that is beside the point.....lol (not really ol)
Don't know way it's so cool, but it is. Very hawt!!
Agreed, very sexy. It has certainly evolved since the days of Veronica Lake but the side parted wavy hair over the eye is classic!
I have been trying that look for as long as I can remember but I (or the hairdresser) don't know why I can't seem to get it right :)
Ok, I think the pictures are sexy. However, I am an eye lover and don't want them covered up...I want to look into them!
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