A word formula is a word or phrase, when formulated with a mathematical symbol embedded in the phrase or between the words; such as an equal sign (=), then becomes formulated by the power of well ....you.
Simply by interpreting the word or words.
This is where you and I acquire the power by placing the (interpreted) value or meaning of the word(s) being communicated.
For example the word 'tweak'. One may hear, read or think the word, but depending how it is used (tone and inflection of the voice matters, be it heard by another's voice or the one in your head) dictates more than one may think.
tweak = overhaul
or does
tweak = twitch
or maybe
tweak = twick (insert rim shot here)
Point being you decide by interpreting it the way you see best fits the way it was used.
Anyway I think you get my drift.
drift = falling off
More examples:
later = not now
maybe = probably not
caffeine = shaky pinky finger
golf clapping = please don't take it serious!
Even adding additional functions; but not limited to the addition sign (wink~ wink) such as:
Super Bowl + melted cheese = hangover
(There has to be an ingredient or two left out that formula!)
By this time you are probably looking for a list of formulated words and phrases;
so with out further ado
here are a few...
ado =yabba dabb
clone = my wife and I have one, our child.
to do is to be + to be is to do = do be do be do!
Every day we find the irony in words we hear and use.
irony = ivory (very little irony here however)
Don't ask me to explain this, but it has to be in the appearance and spelling of the word irony, that makes me think of ivory.
I am telling you!
I can't explain it!
Think about word formulas further...
Grandpa to the power of 500 probably = Adam (not absolute in it's equating)
This read worth about two cents to me and probably not as much to you.
Two to the 20th power = 1,048,576 (not a true word formula, just a basic formula)
Word formulating or interpretation of words in our minds and in our thoughts dictates quite a bit of how we perceive life and function daily. The more positive, upbeat of a conclusion that we finally arrive at, the better. The opposite can be true as well. Negativity can creep in through humor and sarcasms that may produce negative results in many areas. Some, we probably are unaware of and it's effects; good or not so good. In other words, negative or sarcasm interpretations can bring offense and cast doubt ( ... and beyond the shadow of a doubt, I might add) ... it can cast doubt and such into ones thoughts (not necessarily just your thoughts either), to result in a bit of an 'off center' or 'wobbly' effect overall; causing negative and unwelcome effects; that could be never lasting, but at times could be everlasting.
Allow me to formulate further:
interpret positively = define purely
pure definition + damage control (minus negativity) = better understanding + less stress
stress levels = having the ability to some degree, to mange the effects on your life
If you are able to think about how you formulate and interpret words and phrases, every so often throughout the day, you will realize how you may need to be calibrated to your own satisfaction and desired results. And this may effect you (and others) sooner than you may think. The payoff is almost always instantaneous! ... But wait, there's more ... those unaware areas I spoke of earlier ..... in time, you will be the beneficiary....satisfaction all but guaranteed!!!!!!
Operators are not standing by ...so go on now and decide for yourself!
OK, thats about enough of all this.
Bye = toodle-do!
This article is a linguist's dream :) Seriously, this is one of my favorite aspects of English...and it also makes your comment on my blog make more sense ;)
Good stuff Mr. Glory!!
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