I do not own one of these nor do I know no anyone that does, but is the robotic vacuum the way to go for now and in the future? I say the price has to come down some; but also would like to know if they are worth the purchase? If I were to get one for Fathers Day, it would be "a mother of a day" for me and I will take those anytime I can get 'em!

Great for pet hair and high traffic areas.
Expensive, but seemed to have came a long way, baby.:!!:.
meh-I guess I'm old fashioned when it comes to vacuuming...I just make the hubby do it ;)
My wife handles the vacuum around here the same way you do...via her husband, and that would be mu ah. That is why I am NOT asking her, but everyone else.
However, thanks for stopping by! hehe
Enjoy your summer vacation, teach'!
I've never used one of those (I'm one of the rare few who LOVES vacuuming), but have heard they are wonderful little drops from heaven! I would think they would definitely be worth it for someone who isn't a fan of vacuuming!
I am afraid of bringing robots into my home after watching all those sci-fi movies where they end up attacking humans and taking over the world
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