Ok I dont do these much but I will take the "Keep Out" sign down for now as I was requested to do this so I shall....
10 years ago.....
I was in my 30's. Just starting to get into educating myself all about the PC.
4 places I have lived...
1. Meade, Kansas
2. Haysville, KS
3. Mesquite, TX
4. Have not moved there yet....
3 things that bug me...
1. Wet socks
2. Rude people
3. Long lines
3 things that scare me...
1. Losing a child to death
2. Global warming. It's real people and it's serious!!!!
3. Heights over water.
3 bad habits...
1. Little too sarcastic
2. PCing instead of chores
3. Staying away from carbs I love all carbs!
4 movies I love...
1. IQ
2. Dumb & Dumber
3. Christmas Vacation
4. Until September
4 cars I've had...
1. 2008 Mitzi Eclipse (now)
2. 2007 Chrysler 300 Cool Vanilla in color.(now)
3. 1974 Red Corvette
4. 03 Mitsubishi Montero - dark grey
6 jobs I've had...
1. Computer refurbishment for MCI
2. Restaurant Manager
3. Business Owner (Custom Audits)
4. Business Owner (Rad Pro Automotive)
5. Wadley Blood Bank delivering blood to hospitals.
6. Delivery driver
7 things you may not know about me...
1. I am a twin.
2. Love asparagus. The most underrated vegetable on the planet!
3. Lot of black and grays in my wardrobe. Black makes all other colors seem brighter!
4. Seinfeld lover. Just too good!
5. Love wearing jeans with holes in them, the more the better!!
6. Have a very creative side to me.
7. My grandfather invented & patented the 'electric fence' and sold the rights to the electric company.
Good stuff!
I totally agree on the Seinfeld. That's genius comedy right there!!
Also the asparagus! Mmm, with velveeta!! Haha, probably cancels out all of the nutritional value but still oh so good!!
Lucky you actually have a twin! As you probably read from my survey, I only thought I had one! haha!
neat-o meme. I'll be stealing this...LOL
I totally did not know you were a twin! nifty!
and I love Seinfeld; I never get tired of those reruns!
I love Seinfeld too. Never get tired of it. There used to be this lil' take out Chinese food place in Lodi, CA that made the best asparagus beef on the planet. They start with deep fried asparagus... do I need to go further? Thanks for visiting the blog. Hope you come back sometime.
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