HE has risen.... so we too shall live!
My heart's interpretation:
Growing up I would make promises to myself wait until I get:
..in Jr high school, I then can start to live.
... in High School, then I will be cool and I can live.
... wait until I get out of college...
... wait until I get married...
... wait until I have kids...
... wait until have my perfect job then I can ....
Always looking ahead before I could live....
The 'fear of' not having enough or not being able to live life to the fullest before dying was preventing me from living.
The message says fear not (of death, the unknown or the unexpected) but live, live in the moment to gain the fullest of life. Eternal life that Christ has given to us through his resurrection lifts the fear from me being able to live.
I now live in the moment assured because of Christ, I have life eternal.
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